Text Formatting
The text formatting tools are accessible from the Component ribbon when you select a text box on the canvas in Present Pro, Publish Pro, or Illustrate. The text formatting tools are divided thematically into clipboard tools, dynamic text, font, paragraph, styles, and size and position.
Text fields
Note: The preceding example shows the text fields on the Present Pro Component ribbon. A subset of these options can also be found on other ribbons.

The equivalent options are also available from the Publish Pro ribbon:

The equivalent options are also available from the Illustrate ribbon:
Dynamic clipboard tools allow you to cut, copy, and paste dynamic text. The dynamic clipboard tools are available from the Component ribbon. Using the regular copy, cut, and paste tools pastes the text into a new textbox without copying the dynamic element. To copy, cut, or paste the dynamic text element, you must use the dynamic clipboard tools.
- Dynamic Cut: Cut the selected dynamic text, including the underlying logic.
- Dynamic Copy: Copy the selected dynamic text, including the underlying logic.
- Dynamic Paste: Paste the selected dynamic text, including the underlying logic.
Dynamic Text
Create dynamic text that is driven by a user-defined formula and rendered when the report is processed.
- Dynamic Text: Click to open the Dynamic Text wizard and configure dynamic text for the selected text box. Use the drop-down options to add dynamic text, dynamic placeholders, or text field variables.
- Graphic Text: Toggles the selected text box between Graphic Text, which resizes automatically with the text field, and Standard text, which must be resized manually. Use the drop-down options to scale the Graphic Text automatically. For example, select 2 from the drop-down to double the size of the text in the selected graphic text box.
- Type: Set the font type.
- Size: Set the font size from the drop-down or using the increase and decrease font size buttons.
- Change Letter Case:
- Sentence case: Restore the original capitalization of the selected text.
- lowercase: Make lower case. No letters are capitalized.
- Capitalize: Capitalize The First Letter Of Each Word.
- Background Color: Change the text box color using the Color Picker.
- Border Color: Change the text box border color using the Color Picker.
- Text Emphasis: Emphasize the selected text using bold, italics, underline, by displaying a text shadow, or strike-through.
- Horizontal Spacing: Set the spacing between characters in the selected text.
- Text Background Color: Highlight the text using the Color Picker.
- Text Color: Change the text color using the Color Picker.
- Clear Format: Remove any font customizations.
- Border Width: Set the text box border width.
- Lists: Display the selected text box or text as a bullet or numbered list.
- Indentation: Increase or decrease the indentation for the selected text or text box.
- Line Spacing: Set the space between lines for the selected text or text box.
- Columns: Set the number of columns in which to display the selected text or text box.
- Text Alignment: Align the text to left, center, right, or justify.
- Text Direction: Set the text direction, either right-to-left or left-to-right as required.
- Alignment: Align the text to the top, middle, or bottom of the text box.
Open the Styles drop-down (yellow highlight above) to apply a heading style to the text in the selected text box, or just to the selected text within a text box.
Size and position
In this location, the size and position options relate to the text box that you have selected and not the text content.
Change the size and position of the selected item:
- Adjust the item size using Width and Height.
- Adjust the item position using X and Y.
- Rotate the item by multiples of 10 degrees. (Shapes, text boxes, and images only.)
Tip: The X and Y coordinates and width and height are displayed underneath each content item when it is selected on the canvas.